Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Program Code
Program Faculty
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Academic Year
These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University's policies (
This program is designed to train graduates who may be eligible for registration as medical practitioners upon completion of an internship. The three major ‘streams’ of the course are the core elements of medical practice: The Scientific Basis of Medicine, Clinical Skills, and Medical Professional and Personal Development. These three streams form the basis of an integrated case based program in Years 1–3. Throughout Years 4–6, students will expand their knowledge, experience and skills within these three streams as they undertake placements within the teaching hospitals and in the broader medical community.
The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is an AQF Level 7 qualification with a standard full-time duration of 6 years.
Condition of Enrolment
Clinical Deed Poll: The University of Adelaide and the Minister for Health have a clinical placement agreement in place which allows the University to request clinical placements in SA Health facilities. As part of this agreement students are required to complete a deed poll (pdf file). A deed poll is an agreement between the student and SA Health to ensure patient information is treated with confidentiality and that the student has met the required clearances. By signing a deed poll students understand their obligations and agree to comply with the relevant state legislation.….
Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Registration
Students undertaking a clinical placement at a hospital or other health facility require student registration with the relevant National Board. This process is undertaken by the AHPRA. It is completed on enrolment into the program and does not require action by the student. Students will be advised when they have been registered.
Criminal History Clearance : Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are now required to demonstrate clearance by producing a criminal history check, obtained through a Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) check. International students are required to obtain a certificate from their home country. All students studying a clinical-based program will be required to demonstrate a satisfactory criminal history clearance and maintain an up to date National Police check throughout their study.
Immunisation: Students undertaking clinical placements are required to have the appropriate level of immunisation. Immunisation records are requested by clinical venues prior to Placements. Prior to commencing professional placements, students will be advised by their program area: To consult the University Health Practice to be screened and immunised for the following infectious disease as recommended by the Immunisation Guidelines for Health Care Workers in South Australia 2014 Policy. Failure to adhere to these guidelines means that a student will not be allowed to attend clinical placements. It is a student's responsibility to acquire their immunisations record and take it with them to all clinical placements.
As part of your course enrolment, all students are required to have blood tests to determine their immunity status to Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Chicken Pox. Students will need to provide evidence of previous vaccinations, including for the aforementioned diseases as well as Pertussis, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio.
Inherent requirements: Students are required to acknowledge their understanding of the University of Adelaide medical programs inherent requirements (see
Interruption of program: Students must apply for permission from the Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedures in place at the time.
Tuberculosis Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are now required to demonstrate tuberculosis (TB) clearance through obtaining a TB Screening Notification from SA Tuberculosis Services.
Rural Placements: Enrolment in the University of Adelaide’s Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery requires students to undertake rural clinical placements. 50% of Commonwealth supported students (in both bonded and unbonded places) need to complete four weeks of rural placements before graduation, with 25% of students required to complete one year of clinical training in a rural site. If these places are not filled by students voluntarily, all students in Commonwealth supported places will be included in a random ballot to be allocated to one of these year-long rural placements.
Uniform: During clinical placements, students are required to comply with professional dress standards.
Further detail is located at:
Academic Program Rules for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
There shall be a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
Qualification Requirements
To qualify for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following requirements with a combined total of not less than 144 units:
- Core courses to the value of 141 units
- Elective courses to the value of 3 units
- Work based training / extra mural studies
Core Courses
Core Courses
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 141 units.
Level I MEDIC ST 1000A/B First Year Examination
Courses to the value of up to 24 units may be taken from the following:
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value BIOLOGY 1310A Fundamentals of Biomedical Science 0 BIOLOGY 1310B Fundamentals of Biomedical Science 6 MEDIC ST 1101A Scientific Basis of Medicine I Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 1101B Scientific Basis of Medicine I Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 1102A Clinical Practice I Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 1102B Clinical Practice I Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 1103A Medical Professional & Personal Development I Pt 1 0 MEDIC ST 1103B Medical Professional & Personal Development I Pt 2 6 Remedial Summer Course
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 141 units ( satisfactory completion of a summer course will count in lieu of a failed course of the same unit value).Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 1105 MBBS Year 1 Summer Course 6 Level II MEDIC ST 2000A/B Second Year Examination
Courses to the value of up to 21 units may be taken from the following:
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 2101A Scientific Basis of Medicine II Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 2101B Scientific Basis of Medicine II Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 2102A Clinical Practice II Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 2102B Clinical Practice II Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 2103A Medical Professional & Personal Development II Pt1 0 MEDIC ST 2103B Medical Professional & Personal Development II Pt2 6 MICRO 2506 Medical Microbiology and Immunology II 3 Remedial Summer Course
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 141 units (satisfactory completion of a summer course will count in lieu of a failed course of the same unit value).
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 2105 MBBS Year 2 Summer Course 6 Level III MEDIC ST 3000A/B Third Year Examination
Courses to the value of up to 24 units may be taken from the following:
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 3101A Scientific Basis of Medicine III Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 3101B Scientific Basis of Medicine III Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 3102AHO Clinical Practice III Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 3102BHO Clinical Practice III Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 3103A Medical Professional and Personal Development III Pt 1 0 MEDIC ST 3103B Medical Professional&Personal Development III Pt 2 6 MEDIC ST 3104A Research and Critical Appraisal Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 3104B Research and Critical Appraisal Part 2 6 Remedial Summer Course
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 141 units (satisfactory completion of a summer course will count in lieu of a failed course of the same unit value).
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 3105 MBBS Year 3 Summer Course 6 Level IV MEDIC ST 4000A/B Fourth Year Examination
Courses to the value of up to 24 units may be taken from the following:
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 4013AHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 1 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 4013BHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 1 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 4014AHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 2 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 4014BHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 2 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 4015AHO Medical Home Unit Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 4015BHO Medical Home Unit Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 4016AHO Surgical Home Unit Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 4016BHO Surgical Home Unit Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 4017AHO Psychiatry Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 4017BHO Psychiatry Part 2 4 MEDIC ST 4018AHO Musculoskeletal Medicine Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 4018BHO Musculoskeletal Medicine Part 2 4 Remedial Summer Course
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 141 units (satisfactory completion of a summer course will count in lieu of a failed course of the same unit value).
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 4205 MBBS Year 4 Summer Course (4 Units) 4 MEDIC ST 4305 MBBS Year 4 Summer Course (6 Units) 6 Level V MEDIC ST 5000A/B Fifth Year Examination
Courses to the value of up to 24 units may be taken from the following:
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 5005AHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5005BHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 5006AHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5006BHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 5007AHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5007BHO Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 5009AHO Geriatrics and General Practice Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5009BHO Geriatrics and General Practice Part 2 4 MEDIC ST 5014AHO Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt1 0 MEDIC ST 5014BHO Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt 2 2 MEDIC ST 5015AHO Paediatrics and Child Health Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5015BHO Paediatrics and Child Health Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 5016AHO Human Reproductive Health Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5016BHO Human Reproductive Health Part 2 6 or
Courses to the value of up to 24 units may be taken from the following:
Only Level V students approved by the Adelaide Rural Clinical School to undertake the year-long rural placements may undertake the following courses.
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 5005ARU Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5005BRU Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 5006ARU Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5006BRU Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 5007ARU Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5007BRU Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 2 2 MEDIC ST 5009ARU Geriatrics and General Practice Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5009BRU Geriatrics and General Practice Part 2 4 MEDIC ST 5014ARU Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt1 0 MEDIC ST 5014BRU Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt 2 2 MEDIC ST 5015ARU Paediatrics and Child Health Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5015BRU Paediatrics and Child Health Part 2 6 MEDIC ST 5016ARU Human Reproductive Health Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 5016BRU Human Reproductive Health Part 2 6 Courses to the value of up to 6 units may be taken from the following:
Remedial Summer Course
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 141 units (satisfactory completion of a summer course will count in lieu of a failed course of the same unit value).
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 5205 MBBS Year 5 Summer Course (4 Units) 4 MEDIC ST 5305 MBBS Year 5 Summer Course (6 Units) 6 Level VI MEDIC ST 6000 Final Sixth Year Assessment
Courses to the value of up to 24 units may be taken from the following:
Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value MEDIC ST 6015AHO Medicine Internship VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6015BHO Medicine Internship VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6016AHO Surgery Internship VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6016BHO Surgery Internship VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6017AHO Emergency Department Internship VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6017BHO Emergency Department Internship VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6018AHO Medicine Selective VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6018BHO Medicine Selective VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6019AHO Primary Care Selective VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6019BHO Primary Care Selective VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6020AHO Psychiatry Selective VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6020BHO Psychiatry Selective VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6021AHO Surgery Selective VI Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6021BHO Surgery Selective VI Part 2 3 MEDIC ST 6022AHO Transition to Internship Part 1 0 MEDIC ST 6022BHO Transition to Internship Part 2 3 -
Work Based Training / Extra Mural Studies
To satisfy the requirements for Work Based Training / Extra Mural Studies students must adhere to the following:
Before the end of Level VI of the MBBS program, a student is required to complete a four week extra mural activity in the form of an external elective approved by the Dean of Medicine.
Language and Learning
All of the following courses must be completed:
Unless exempted by the Faculty, all students are required to take the following courses:
MEDICINE 1001A - MEDICINE Language and Learning I – Part 1 (0.0)
MEDICINE 1001B - MEDICINE Language and Learning I – Part 2 (0.0)
Level II and III student may be required to undertake the following courses
MEDICINE 2001A - MEDICINE Language and Learning II – Part 1 (0.0)
MEDICINE 2001B - MEDICINE Language and Learning II – Part 2 (0.0)
MEDICINE 3001A - MEDICINE Language and Learning III – Part 1 (0.0)
MEDICINE 3001B - MEDICINE Language and Learning III – Part 2 (0.0)
Elective Courses
To satisfy the requirements for Elective Courses students must complete courses to the value of 3 units.
Level II
Courses to the value of up to 3 units may be taken from the following: