Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCtveA)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCtveA)
Program Code
Program Faculty
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Academic Year
These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University's policies (
The Bachelor of Creative Arts program provides an integrated and flexible approach to studying creative arts disciplines. The degree allows students to concentrate their studies in one area or range across a number of creative disciplines to construct a broad personalised program that creates a unique academic space to develop individual creativity. Students choose from courses that develop practical skills in creative production and from courses that develop analytical and evaluative skills in reflection. Reflection courses are intended to help students use knowledge to strengthen, deepen and inform their creative work. The core courses in the degree offer students the opportunity to think deeply about creativity as a process and creative arts as individual disciplines. The capstone is specifically designed to help students bridge the worlds of university and work by exploring ideas, developing skills and learning how to make a career in the arts. The degree contains opportunities for work integrated learning (internships), international exchange, practice-led research and developing professional relationships with working creative artists.
The Bachelor of Creative Arts is an AQF Level 7 qualification with a standard full-time duration of 3 years.
Condition of enrolment
Interruption of program: Students must apply for permission from the Program Coordinator before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedures in place at the time.
Academic Program Rules for Bachelor of Creative Arts
There shall be a Bachelor of Creative Arts.
Qualification Requirements
To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Creative Arts the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following courses with a combined total of not less than 72 units, comprising:
- Level I courses to a maximum of 24 units;
- Level II and Level III courses to the value of at least 48 units, with at least 18 units at Level III;
- Core courses to the value of 15 units, including ARTS 1007 The Enquiring Mind or ARTS 1007OL The Enquiring Mind;
- Closed Elective Production courses to the value of 24 units up to 48 units;
- Closed Elective Reflection courses to the value of 9 units up to 33 units;
- Level II courses to the value of 6 units must be completed before commencing Level III courses.
Core Courses
Core Courses
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 15 units.
Core Courses
All of the following courses must be completed:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value ARTS 1007 The Enquiring Mind 3 or
All of the following courses must be completed:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value ARTS 1007OL The Enquiring Mind 3 and
All of the following courses must be completed:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value CRARTS 1001 What Is This Thing Called Art? 3 CRARTS 2002 Creativity and the Adelaide Festival 3 CRARTS 3002 The Art of the Possible: Forging an Arts Career 6
Creative Arts Production Closed Elective Courses
To satisfy the requirements for Creative Arts Production Closed Elective Courses students must complete courses to the value of 24 units.
You must complete a minimum of 24 units and up to 48 units from the Closed Elective Production Course list.
- At least 9 units (and a maximum of 15 units) at Level I,
- At least 9 units (and a maximum of 18 units) at Level II, and
- At least 6 units (and a maximum of 15 units), at Level III
Level I
Courses to the value of up to 15 units may be taken from the following:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value CRWR 1001 Creative Writing: The Essentials 3 DESST 1503 Design Studio I 6 DESST 1504 Representation I 3 DESST 1505 History Theory I 3 DESST 1508 Environment I 3 MDIA 1002 Introduction to Media 3 MDIA 1007 Digital Platforms 3 MDIA 1008 Photographic Imaging I 6 MDIA 1015 Screen and Sound Industries 3 MDIA 1017 3D Imaging 3 MDIA 1018 From Storytelling to Data Mining 3 MUSCOMP 1001 Composition 1A 3 MUSCOMP 1002 Composition 1B 3 MUSGEN 1201 Music Professional Development 1A 3 MUSGEN 1202 Music Professional Development 1B 3 MUSONIC 1000 Music Technology Foundations 3 MUSONIC 1010 Sound & Media 3 MUSONIC 1210 Sound Engineering 3 MUSONIC 1220 Sonic Arts 3 MUSONIC 1300 Sonic Arts in Practice 1 3 MUSPOP 1001 Song Writing A 3 MUSPOP 1002 Song Writing B 3 Level II
ARTS 2201 Industry Internship, can only be undertake with prior approval.
Courses to the value of up to 18 units may be taken from the following:
Level III
Courses to the value of up to 15 units may be taken from the following:
ENTREP 3900 eChallenge can only be taken with prior approval.
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value CRWR 3001 Boundary Riders: Creative Critical Writing 3 CRWR 3002 So You Want to Write a Novel 3 CRWR 3003 Wild Places / City Spaces: Environmental Writing 3 CRWR 3005 Asia Pacific Conversations 3 CRWR 3006 Editing for Writers 6 ENTREP 3900 eChallenge 3 MDIA 3306 User Experience Design 3 MDIA 3316 Photographic Imaging IV 6 MDIA 3333 Long-form Journalism 3 MUSCOMP 3001 Composition 3A 3 MUSCOMP 3002 Composition 3B 3 MUSCOMP 3100 Orchestration 3 3 MUSCOMP 3101 Music Analysis 3 3 MUSGEN 3201 Music Professional Development 3A 3 MUSGEN 3202 Music Professional Development 3B 3 MUSONIC 3020 Interaction Design and the Sonic Arts 3 3 PHIL 3036 Beauty: Pleasures and Principles 3 -
Creative Arts Reflective Closed Elective Courses
To satisfy the requirements for Creative Arts Reflective Closed Elective Courses students must complete courses to the value of 9 units.
You must complete a minimum of 9 units and up to 33 units from the Closed Elective Reflection Course list.
- At least 3 units (and a maximum of 9 units) at Level I,
- At least 3 units (and a maximum of 12 units) at Level II, and
- At least 3 units (and a maximum of 12 units), at Level III
Level I
Courses to the value of up to 9 units may be taken from the following:
Level II
Courses to the value of up to 12 units may be taken from the following:
ARTS 2201 Industry Internship II, can only be undertake with prior approval.
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value ARTH 2000 Renaissance Art in Northern Europe 3 ARTH 2001 Modern Chinese Art and Visual Culture 3 ARTH 2004OL Contemporary Australian Art 3 ARTS 2009 RCC Fringe Masterclass 3 ARTS 2010EX Arts Festival Internship 2 3 ARTS 2201 Industry Internship II 3 CLAS 2033 Art & Archaeology of Rome (8th c. BC- 1st c. AD) 3 ENGL 2041 The Sixties: From the Beats to Bongs 3 ENGL 2042 Icons of Decadence 3 ENGL 2047 World Literatures in English 3 ENGL 2049 Contemporary Australian Culture 3 ENGL 2050 Gothic 3 ENGL 2051 Literature and Society in Victorian Britain 3 ENGL 2057 Hollywood or Bust! 3 ENGL 2068 Pacific Literature Study Tour: Tonga 6 ENGL 2070 Life-Writing 3 ENGL 2071 Anthropocene Arts: Nature-Cultures in Crisis 3 ENGL 2072 American Literature 3 ENGL 2073 European Women Writers: Narratives of Resistance 3 ENGL 2107 Tragedy 3 GEND 2018 Gender and Popular Culture 3 GEND 2019 Gender and Race in a Postcolonial World II 3 GEND 2019OL Gender and Race in a Postcolonial World II 3 HIST 2051 Australia and the World 3 HIST 2053 Medieval Europe: Crusades to the Black Death 3 HIST 2057 Fascism and National Socialism 3 HIST 2058 Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in History 3 HIST 2062 Trump Unlocked: Modern America 3 HIST 2062OL Trump Unlocked: Modern America 3 HIST 2069 Heresy and Witchcraft in Medieval Europe 3 HIST 2078 Power, Money, Sex: Britain, 1700-1830 3 HIST 2084 Russia in War and Revolution 1917-1953 3 HIST 2086 New York City in Revolution: Reacting to the Past 3 HIST 2089 History of Science, Technology and Medicine 3 HIST 2090 Violence in the Modern Western World 3 HIST 2092 History of Crime & Punishment in England & Europe 3 HIST 2093 The Family, Memory and Identity 3 MDIA 2220 Design Cultures 3 MDIA 2221 Digital Games, Cultures & Technologies 3 MDIA 2228 Narrative and Aesthetics 3 MUSGEN 2001 From Elvis to YouTube II 3 MUSGEN 2003 Music, Media & Contemporary Society II 3 MUSGEN 2004 Musics of the World II 3 MUSGEN 2012 In Search of Australia's Music II 3 MUSICOL 2001 Music in Time and Place 3 MUSICOL 2002 Music & Tradition in a Global Society 3 PHIL 2030 Cognitive Science: Minds, Brains & Computers 3 PHIL 2032 Naturalising Morality: Evolution, Ethics & Meaning 3 PHIL 2042 Moral Problems 3 PHIL 2045 Professional Ethics 3 PHIL 2112 Beauty: Pleasures and Principles 3 SOCI 2014 Life on Screen: Social Issues Through Film 3 Level III
Courses to the value of up to 12 units may be taken from the following:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value ANTH 3034 Visual and Media Anthropology 3 ARTH 3000 Northern Renaissance Art and Visual Culture III 3 ARTH 3001 Art Censorship 3 ARTS 3009 RCC Fringe Masterclass 3 ARTS 3010EX Arts Festival Internship 3 3 ARTS 3202 Research-based Internship 6 ENGL 3042 Adaptation 3 ENGL 3044 Body Culture Text 3 ENGL 3045 The Question of Postmodernism: Texts and Issues 3 ENGL 3046 Old Texts Made New: Literary Imitation & Allusion 3 ENGL 3047 Rhapsody & Revolution: Romanticism & Its Legacies 3 ENGL 3048 Australian Classics: Literature and Film 3 ENGL 3050 Ways of Reading 6 ENGL 3051 Modernisms 3 ENGL 3105EX Shakespeare at the Globe III 3 ENGL 3106 Writing Southern Worlds 3 FILM 3002 Curation & Cinephilia: The Adelaide Film Festival 3 GEND 3018 Contemporary Theories in Gender Studies 6 GEND 3018OL Contemporary Theories in Gender Studies 6 GEND 3019 Gender and Race in a Postcolonial World III 3 GEND 3019OL Gender and Race in a Postcolonial World III 3 HIST 3015 Emotion in Historical Perspective 3 HIST 3034 Migrants and the Making of Modern Australia 3 HIST 3035 Reel History: World War II in Film 3 HIST 3037 Early Modern Europe 3 HIST 3038 Aftermath: Aborigines in 20th Century Australia 3 HIST 3039 Human Trafficking: Atlantic Trade to Contemporary 3 HIST 3051 Modern France: From Revolution to Resistance 3 HIST 3052 Aboriginal Peoples and the Colonial World 3 HIST 3054 Protest & Revolution in Modern Europe 3 HIST 3055 Protecting the Peace: Histories of Peacekeeping 3 HIST 3068 Uniting the Kingdoms: Britain 1534-1801 3 HIST 3069 Contested Ground: Aborigines in Colonial Australia 3 MDIA 3313 Asian Film Studies 3 MDIA 3331 Popular Media: Text, Audience, Industry 3 MUSGEN 3002 Music and Ideas 3 MUSGEN 3005 Village Voices - Greenwich Village in the 1960s 3 MUSGEN 3011 Music, Health and Wellbeing A 3 MUSGEN 3012 In Search of Australia's Music III 3 PHIL 3018 Existentialism 3 PHIL 3019 How Should I Live? Contemporary Ethical Theories 3 PHIL 3029 Philosophy of Language 3 PHIL 3032 God, Faith and Infinity: Philosophy of Religion 3 PHIL 3036 Beauty: Pleasures and Principles 3