Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
Program Code
Program Faculty
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Academic Year
These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University's policies (
This program prepares graduates who are eligible for registration as dental practitioners through AHPRA.
The program consists of one highly integrated course, in which concepts are learnt through a case-based learning approach and are coordinated within and between years. First year introduces students to the practice of dentistry in both simulated and actual clinic settings and provides a foundation for understanding the normal structure and function of the oral cavity and body, patient-centered healthcare and evidence-based maintenance of patients’ health. With a focus on contextual learning throughout the program, students develop an integrated knowledge base of relevant scientific information, evidence-based patient care and related clinical and interpersonal skills and professional behaviours. Learning environments emphasise both individual and collaborative (e.g., Small Group Discovery Experiences), independent and in-class activities plus varied clinical placement opportunities that include learning to critically evaluate, plan and implement strategies for improvement. In later years, clinical experiences are not restricted to University teaching semesters.
Places are open to school leavers, applicants with tertiary education experience, special entry and Aboriginal entry applicants.
The Bachelor of Dental Surgery is an AQF Level 7 qualification with a standard full-time duration of 5 years.
Condition of Enrolment
Clinical Deed Poll: The University of Adelaide and the Minister for Health have a clinical placement agreement in place which allows the University to request clinical placements in SA Health facilities. As part of this agreement students are required to complete a deed poll (pdf file). A deed poll is an agreement between the student and SA Health to ensure patient information is treated with confidentiality and that the student has met the required clearances. By signing a deed poll students understand their obligations and agree to comply with the relevant state legislation.
Tuberculosis Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are now required to demonstrate tuberculosis (TB) clearance through obtaining a TB Screening Notification from SA Tuberculosis Services.
Criminal History Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or vulnerable adults are required to demonstrate clearance by producing a criminal history check, obtained through a Department of Human Services (DHS) check. International students are required to obtain a criminal history clearance from their home country and the DHS/National Police Clearance.
Immunisation: Prior to any clinical placement, students will need to provide evidence of immunisation status. Students are required to have the appropriate level of immunisation required by the Immunisation for Health Care Workers in South Australia Policy Directive for tuberculosis (TB) screening and criminal history clearances (CHC), Prescribed Communicable Infections (PCI) screening, including recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines.
Student and Professional Registration: Students accepted into the program are required to be registered with the relevant regulatory authority.
Uniform: During clinical placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards.
Interruption of program: Students must apply for permission from the Program Coordinator or Delegate before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedures in place at the time.
Inherent requirements: Students are required to acknowledge their understanding of the University of Adelaide dentistry program inherent requirements (see
Further detail is located at:
Academic Program Rules for Bachelor of Dental Surgery
There shall be a Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
Qualification Requirements
To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery, the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following requirements with a combined total of not less than 120 units:
- Core courses to the value of 120 units
Work based training / extra mural studies
Students will undertake intensive prescribed clinical placements throughout the five years of the program. Students will be required to undertake clinical placements away from the North Terrace campus/Adelaide Dental Hospital in locations across metropolitan Adelaide, rural South Australia and interstate dental clinical sites.
In the final year, students are required to undertake a compulsory rural and/or interstate clinical placement of 12 - 13 weeks. Students are expected to travel to and from clinical placements.
Core Courses
Core Courses
To satisfy the requirements for Core Courses students must complete courses to the value of 120 units.
All of the following courses must be completed:
At the First Annual Examination the student shall satisfy the examiners in the following. Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value DENT 1005AHO Dental Science and Practice I Part 1 0 DENT 1005BHO Dental Science and Practice I Part 2 24 All of the following courses must be completed:
At the Second Annual Examination the student shall satisfy the examiners in the following. Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value DENT 2005AHO Dental Science and Practice II Part 1 0 DENT 2005BHO Dental Science and Practice II Part 2 24 All of the following courses must be completed:
At the Third Annual Examination the student shall satisfy the examiners in the following. Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value DENT 3005AHO Dental Science and Practice III Part 1 0 DENT 3005BHO Dental Science and Practice III Part 2 24 All of the following courses must be completed:
At the Fourth Annual Examination the student shall satisfy the examiners in the following. Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value DENT 4004AHO Dental Science and Practice IV Part 1 0 DENT 4004BHO Dental Science and Practice IV Part 2 24 All of the following courses must be completed:
At the Fifth Annual Examination the student shall satisfy the examiners in the following. Students are required to take both the Part A and the matching Part B course:
Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value DENT 5005AHO Dental Science and Practice V Part 1 0 DENT 5005BHO Dental Science and Practice V Part 2 24