Master of Laws (Coursework) (LLM)

Program Code

Program Faculty
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Academic Year

These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University's policies (


The Master of Laws provides access to a range of areas to suit both domestic and international students proceeding directly from undergraduate study, as well as experienced legal practitioners wishing to specialise in areas of law. This program includes a range of elective courses suited to those with a particular interest in international and comparative law. In addition, the program will appeal to those wishing to further develop their scholarly skills in legal research and writing. Some courses are taught during the evening or on weekends, while other courses may be taught intensively over one or more weeks.

The Master of Laws (Coursework) is an AQF Level 9 Masters qualification with a standard full-time duration of 1 year.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand and apply knowledge in the field of law and undertake advanced legal research in law which engages with primary and secondary legal materials.
  2. Apply principles of law to complex legal problems, and critique law from theoretical and practical perspectives.
  3. Structure and sustain concise and cohesive legal argument.
  4. Demonstrate autonomy, judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a legal professional.
  5. Incorporate social, policy, comparative and/or interdisciplinary approaches into analysis of the law.
  6. Reflect on their abilities to perform the role of a legal practitioner and interact with others to do so effectively.


Condition of Enrolment

Interruption of program: Students must apply for permission from the Faculty before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedures in place at the time.

Program Maximum Duration: As specified in Table 1 of the Coursework Academic Programs Policy, this program must be completed within a Maximum Duration which includes any periods of non-enrolment, leave of absence or approved study at other institutions for credit towards a Program. 

Academic Program Rules for Master of Laws (Coursework)

There shall be a Master of Laws (Coursework).

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for the degree of Master of Laws, the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following requirements with a combined total of not less than 24 units, comprising:

  1. Core courses to the value of either 12, 15 or 18 units
  2. Research equivalent courses to the value of either 6, 9 or 12 units 

Core Courses

  • Core Courses


    All of the following courses must be completed:

    Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value
    LAW 7177 Introduction to Australian Law 3

    Students who already hold an LLB, JD or LLB (Hons) from a common law jurisdiction will not complete LAW 7177 Introduction to Australian Law, and instead should complete an additional 3-unit Core Course from the list below.

      Students must complete courses from below* to the value of either 9, 12 or 15 units depending on the Research. If completing Research to the value of:

    1. 6 units, students must complete courses to the value of 15 units
    2. 9 units, students must complete courses to the value of 12 units
    3. 12 units, students must complete courses to the value of 9 units
    * Students may also complete any other postgraduate coursework courses in any other program approved in advance in writing by the Program Director.
    Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value
    LAW 7007 Comparative Constitutional Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7009 Mining and Energy Law 3
    LAW 7034 Anti-discrimination Law: Practice and Theory PG 3
    LAW 7038 Law of Debtor and Creditor (PG) 3
    LAW 7040 International Environmental Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7042 AI and Technology: Legal and Security Issues 3
    LAW 7043 Corp Gov & Sec Reg:Int & Comp Perspectives PG 3
    LAW 7055 Comparative Corporate Rescue Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7056 Competition Law: Comparative Perspectives (PG) 3
    LAW 7057 Corporate Governance (PG) 3
    LAW 7059 European Union Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7061 Regulation of Work: Current Issues 3
    LAW 7062 Selected Issues in Intellectual Property Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7063 Government, Business & Regulation (PG) 3
    LAW 7064 Intellectual Property Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7065 International Commercial Arbitration (PG) 3
    LAW 7066 Private International Law(PG) 3
    LAW 7067 International Criminal Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7068 International Energy Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7070 International Commercial and Trade Law 3
    LAW 7072 Work Relationships and the Law 3
    LAW 7073 Counter Terrorism and National Security Law 3
    LAW 7074 Transitional Justice (PG) 3
    LAW 7076 International Economic Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7096 Sport Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7098 Insurance Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7099 International Trade Transactions and the Law (PG) 3
    LAW 7115 Insolvency Law 3
    LAW 7120 Human Rights: International Perspectives (PG) 3
    LAW 7122 Transnational Business & Human Rights 3
    LAW 7123 Perspectives on Property Law & Society 3
    LAW 7124 Workplace Bargaining 3
    LAW 7125 International Financial Regulation 3
    LAW 7128 Advanced Contract Law 3
    LAW 7129 International Humanitarian Law 3
    LAW 7150 European Business Law 3
    LAW 7152 International Franchising and the Law 3
    LAW 7153 Personal Property Security Law 3
    LAW 7154 Migration Law 3
    LAW 7158 Corporate Law: Selected Issues 3
    LAW 7159 Comparative Migration Law 3
    LAW 7160 Water Resources Law 3
    LAW 7162 Internet Law 3
    LAW 7163 Competition and Consumer Law 3
    LAW 7164 Criminal Law: Selected Issues 3
    LAW 7165 Cyber Security and Cyber Conflict Law 3
    LAW 7166 Company Merger and Acquisition Law 3
    LAW 7167 Legal Ethics 3
    LAW 7168 Selected Issues - Military Operations Law 3
    LAW 7170 Public International Law 3
    LAW 7171 The Law of Weaponry 3
    LAW 7172 Strategic Space Law 3
    LAW 7173 Maritime Law and Geopolitics in the Asian Region 3
    LAW 7174 Advanced Comparative Law 3
    LAW 7175 Comparative Law: Selected Issues 3
    LAW 7176 International Insolvency Law 3
    LAW 7178 Planning Law 3
    LAW 7179 Contemporary Issues in Law 3
    LAW 7187 Advanced Legal Research and Writing 3
    LAW 7190 Commercial Space Law 3
    LAW 7192 Government, Law and Policy 3
    LAW 7194 Law Research Project 3
    LAW 7195 Federal Criminal and Defence Discipline Law 3
    LAW 7196 Law of Air Warfare 3
    LAW 7197 International Humanitarian Law and Disruptive Technology 3
    LAW 7198 Nuclear Regulatory Law 3
  • Research

    To satisfy the requirements for Research students must complete courses to the value of either 6, 9 or 12 units.

    All of the following courses must be completed:

    12 unit PhD research pathway

    Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value
    LAW 7025 Dissertation (PG) 6
    LAW 7187 Advanced Legal Research and Writing 3
    LAW 7194 Law Research Project 3

    Entry into LAW 7025 is by application only, and requires confirmation of supervisor and topic. Students must complete at least 9 units of the coursework before commencing the Dissertation, including pre-requisite LAW 7187 Advanced Legal Research and Writing. 

    Entry into LAW 7194 is by application only, and requires successful completion of courses relevant to the proposed project and confirmation of supervisor and topic. 

    LAW 7187 cannot be counted as a core course if presented toward Research.


    All of the following courses must be completed:

    9 unit research component - research project option

    Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value
    LAW 7025 Dissertation (PG) 6
    LAW 7187 Advanced Legal Research and Writing 3

    Entry into LAW 7025 is by application only, and requires confirmation of supervisor and topic. Students must complete at least 9 units of the coursework before commencing the Dissertation, including pre-requisite LAW 7187 Advanced Legal Research and Writing.

    LAW 7187 cannot be counted as a core course if presented toward Research.


    All of the following courses must be completed:

    6 unit research component – research project option 

    Subject/Catalogue Course Title Unit Value
    LAW 7187 Advanced Legal Research and Writing 3
    LAW 7194 Law Research Project 3

    Entry into LAW 7194 is by application only, and requires successful completion of courses relevant to the proposed project and confirmation of supervisor and topic. 

    LAW 7187 cannot be counted as a core course if presented toward Research.


    6 unit research component – research essays option 

    Students must complete two 4,000 word (or more) research essays chosen from any course in this program. The research essays will be in addition to any other course assessment requirements if students seek to undertake the essay in a course which does not otherwise have a research essay assessment. Where a research essay with shorter length is part of the course assessment, the word limit will be extended to 4,000 words to satisfy this requirement. Students may apply to undertake the extended research essay option for any course during the program (other than LAW 7177 Introduction to Australian Law (3 units) or COMMLAW 7012 Business and Corporations Law (3 units)), and they will be accommodated if it is possible to do so.