Bachelor of Oral Health (BOralHlth)

Program Code

Program Faculty
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Academic Year

These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University's policies (


Bachelor of Oral Health graduates will have the necessary education to work as oral health therapists which includes management of children’s, adolescent’s and adult oral health, and health promotion (educating people, groups and communities on how to have healthy teeth and gums).
The program focuses on the development of competence in clinical examination and diagnosis of dental disease, formulation of individual treatment plans for clients, control and prevention of dental diseases by clinical treatment and preventive procedures, and health promotion of clients and the community to establish patterns of behaviour conducive to good oral health.

There are four highly integrated courses in the Bachelor of Oral Health that are undertaken throughout the three years of the program. The emphasis of contextual learning of relevant scientific information throughout the program occurs concurrently with the development of clinical skills.

Learning is supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class. Students work in a collaborative environment to learn to critically self-evaluate, and plan and implement strategies for improvement.

The Bachelor of Oral Health is an AQF Level 7 qualification with a standard full-time duration of 3 years.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Display the highest levels of integrity in all aspects of professional life.
  2. Effectively manage patient care by integrating and applying basic, clinical, behavioural, and social sciences concepts to inform practice.
  3. As a key member of the dental team, actively promote the importance of oral and general health in dental and community health care settings.
  4. Use highly effective interpersonal skills to enable empathetic and effective communication with various groups, e.g. professional, policy-making bodies, community and patients.
  5. Engage in self-directed life-long learning by using reflection and critical self- assessment and be committed to ongoing professional development.


Condition of Enrolment
Clinical Deed Poll: The University of Adelaide and the Minister for Health have a clinical placement agreement in place which allows the University to request clinical placements in SA Health facilities. As part of this agreement students are required to complete a deed poll (pdf file). A deed poll is an agreement between the student and SA Health to ensure patient information is treated with confidentiality and that the student has met the required clearances. By signing a deed poll students understand their obligations and agree to comply with the relevant state legislation. See

Tuberculosis Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are now required to demonstrate tuberculosis (TB) clearance through obtaining a TB Screening Notification from SA Tuberculosis Services.
Further detail is located at:

Criminal History Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are now required to demonstrate clearance by producing a criminal history check, obtained through a Department of Human Services (DHS) check. Please see International students may be required to obtain a certificate from their home country.

Immunisation: Prior to any clinical placement, students will need to provide evidence of immunisation status. Students are required to have the appropriate level of immunisation required by the Immunisation for Health Care Workers in South Australia Policy Directive for tuberculosis (TB) screening and criminal history clearances (CHC), Prescribed Communicable Infections (PCI) screening, including recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines.

Student and Professional Registration: Students accepted into the program are required to be registered with the relevant regulatory authority.

Uniform: During clinical placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards.

Interruption of program: Students must apply for permission from the Program Director or Delegate before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedures in place at the time.

Inherent requirements: Students are required to acknowledge their understanding of the University of Adelaide oral health program inherent requirements (see Students are required to maintain
their clinical competency throughout this Program.

Program Maximum Duration: As specified in Table 1 of the Coursework Academic Programs Policy, this program must be completed within a Maximum Duration which includes any periods of non-enrolment, leave of absence or approved study at other institutions for credit towards a Program. 

Academic Program Rules for Bachelor of Oral Health

There shall be a Bachelor of Oral Health.

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Oral Health, the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following requirements with a combined total of not less than 72 units:

  1. Core courses to the value of 72 units

Work based training/extra mural studies:
Students will undertake a range of clinical placements over the three years of the program. These placements will be across the Adelaide metropolitan area and in specific rural locations.

In their final year, students will be required to undertake a rural placement.

Students must travel to and from these placements independently.

Lateral Entry Pathway

The BOH has been part of the Articulation Pathways Agreement between The University of Adelaide and TAFESA.  The Lateral Entry pathway gives Advanced Standing in its Bachelor of Oral Health program to students who have completed the Advanced Diploma in Oral Health (ADOH).  Credit is awarded to TAFE SA students who have successfully completed the ADOH within 5 years of the successful application into the BOH, receiving 24 units at level I, 10 units at Level II and 8 units at level III.

Core Courses