Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) (BPhysio(Hons))

Program Code

Program Faculty
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Academic Year

These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University's policies (


The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) is designed to develop the knowledge and clinical skills required for entry-level physiotherapists, through coursework and simulated learning experiences within the classroom, progressing to clinical placements in the third and fourth year.  Students will undertake up to 900 hours of clinical placement under the guidance of qualified, registered physiotherapists.  Placements will include paediatrics, acute care, rehabilitation, and community settings. 

Students will enter one of two pathways in third year: Research or Industry.  Students in the Industry Pathway will undertake additional clinical training, while students in the Research Pathway will undertake an individual research project, under supervision.

This program will develop the professional skills required to assist a variety of people of all ages, in the prevention, management and rehabilitation of a range of conditions, including musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory and neurological conditions. 

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be eligible to register with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia.

The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) is an AQF Level 8 qualification with a standard full-time duration of 4 years.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Integrate knowledge of this biosciences and public health with specialist discipline knowledge in the practice of physiotherapy.
  2. Evaluate and integrate a complex body of knowledge including theoretical concepts, research evidence and bio-psychosocial principles to inform physiotherapy practice in a changing world.
  3. Apply advanced clinical reasoning to integrate skills and knowledge that are culturally appropriate and promote health and optimal quality of life in a diverse range of settings.
  4. Effectively communicate to, and educate professionals, clients and other stakeholders using a variety of modalities to transmit knowledge, skills and ideas.
  5. Apply critical thinking, adaptable problem solving and reflection on personal practice, to support life-long learning.
  6. Use initiative and creativity to manage time, resources and priorities in professional practice.
  7. Practice physiotherapy responsibly in accordance with legal, professional and ethical standards and manage personal wellbeing.
  8. Plan, execute and interpret the findings of project work or research with independence.


Conditions of enrolment
Clinical Deed Poll: The University of Adelaide and the Minister for Health have a clinical placement agreement in place which allows the University to request clinical placements in SA Health facilities. As part of this agreement students are required to complete a deed poll. A deed poll is an agreement between the student and SA Health to ensure patient information is treated with confidentiality and that the student has met the required clearances. By signing a deed poll students understand their obligations and agree to comply with the relevant state legislation.  See 

Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Registration: Students undertaking a clinical placement at a hospital or other health facility require student registration with the relevant National Board. This process is undertaken by the AHPRA. It is completed on enrolment into the program and does not require action by the student. Students will be advised when they have been registered.  Students will also have additional requirements for each hospital site that must be met and maintained throughout their study.

Criminal History Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are now required to demonstrate clearance by producing either a Working with Children Check (WWCC) or Criminal History Clearance obtained through the Department for Human Services. International students are required to obtain a certificate from their home country. All students studying a clinical-based program will be required to demonstrate a satisfactory criminal history clearance and maintain an up-to-date National Police check throughout their study.

Immunisation: Students undertaking professional placements are required to demonstrate the appropriate level of immunisation requested by the placement provider. 

Students are required to have the appropriate level of immunisation required by the Immunisation for Health Care Workers in South Australia Policy Directive for tuberculosis (TB) screening and criminal history clearances (CHC), Prescribed Communicable Infections (PCI) screening, including recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines.

Failure to comply with the immunisation requirements will prevent students from attending their professional placement(s). Immunisation records are requested by placement providers and it is a student's responsibility to acquire their immunisation record and take it with them to all professional placements.

Tuberculosis Clearance: Students who undertake clinical placements, internships or research projects involving children or people who are ill, elderly or vulnerable are required to demonstrate tuberculosis (TB) clearance through obtaining a TB Screening Notification from SA Tuberculosis Services.

Inherent requirements: Students are required to acknowledge their understanding of the University of Adelaide Physiotherapy programs inherent requirements.  See

Interruption of program: Students must apply for permission from the Program Director or Delegate before taking a Leave of Absence. Any extension of the leave without approval will result in the loss of place in the program but an application may be made to be re-admitted to the program subject to the admission procedure in place at the time.

Uniform: During clinical placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards.

Program Maximum Duration: As specified in Table 1 of the Coursework Academic Programs Policy, this program must be completed within a Maximum Duration which includes any periods of non-enrolment, leave of absence or approved study at other institutions for credit towards a Program. 

Academic Program Rules for Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)

There shall be a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours).

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours), the student must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of the following requirements with a combined total of not less than 96 units, comprising:

  1. Core courses to the value of 96 units

The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) comprises of two options:

Option # 1 Industry Honours Pathway
1. Core courses to the value of 48 units
2. Industry Pathway Honours Core courses to the value of 48 units

Option # 2 Research Honours Pathway*
1. Core courses to the value of 48 units
2. Research Honours Pathway Core courses to the value of 48 units

*Entry into the research pathway will be based on academic merit

Work Based Learning / Extra Mural Studies

Students must undertake clinical placements up to the value of 900 hours and demonstrate all relevant competencies on each of their clinical placements. Students must complete a placement in the following settings: acute care, rehabilitation, and community. Additional placements may be undertaken in any area of physiotherapy clinical practice, depending on placement availability.
Students will be required to attend placement experiences that may take place outside the standard academic year and traditional working hours. This will require attendance at metropolitan, rural, interstate and / or possibly remote locations. Students are expected to travel to and from clinical placements.

Core Courses