Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
Academic Year
These Program Rules should be read in conjunction with the University’s policies ( and the Research Student Handbook ( The Research Student Handbook explains the procedures to be followed by students and contains guidelines on research and supervision for research degrees offered by the University. All students must comply with both the Academic Program Rules and the procedures detailed in the Research Student Handbook.
1 | Rules |
1.1 | There shall be a Master of Philosophy degree which may be awarded an overall grade. The award of the grade shall be made for meritorious performance in the program, with greatest weight given to completion of the research project as evaluated by the examination of the research thesis. |
1.2 | The grade may be awarded in one of the following classifications: Higher Distinction, Distinction, Credit and Pass according to the standard University grading scheme. |
1.3 | In accordance with their area of research, a candidate may enrol for a Master of Philosophy degree, or a Master of Philosophy degree with one of the following specialisations, as follows: Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics Master of Philosophy Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Master of Philosophy Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Master of Philosophy (Clinical Science) Master of Philosophy (Dentistry) Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master of Philosophy (Ophthalmology) Master of Philosophy (Public Health) Master of Philosophy (Surgery) |
2 | Objectives of the Master of Philosophy |
2.1 | The Master of Philosophy shall, in general, have the objectives of
3 | Academic standing |
3.1 | The academic standing required for acceptance as a candidate for the Master of Philosophy in the University shall be:
3.2 | A person who holds a qualification of another university as specified in Academic Program Rule 3.1 above, or equivalent thereof, may be accepted as a candidate provided that the program of study undertaken and the academic standard reached are equivalent to those required of a candidate who is a graduate of the University of Adelaide. |
3.3 | The University may accept as a candidate a graduate who does not qualify under Academic Program Rules 3.1 or 3.2 but who has demonstrated an outstanding level of academic achievement and is experienced in research as evidenced by significant research publications or written reports on research work done by the applicant. |
3.4 | Applicants for a Master of Philosophy must satisfy the minimum English language proficiency requirement as set by the University. |
4 | Credit for work previously completed |
4.1 | At the time of application, the University may grant credit towards a Master of Philosophy for research, or, where the candidate is proceeding to a degree by mixed research and coursework, for coursework undertaken in another program at the University or in another university or tertiary institution. The maximum credit granted will be 1 year full-time equivalent (FTE) of the total program, inclusive of both coursework and research. |
4.2 | No candidate will be granted any credit for any coursework or research that has been presented towards another award. |
4.3 | In consideration for acceptance under Academic Program Rule 4.1, the University must be satisfied that:
4.4 | Any credit granted for work undertaken within a higher degree by research program will reduce the RTP and candidature expiry dates, whilst any credit granted for work undertaken within a coursework program will reduce the candidature expiry date only. Where the candidate is a scholarship holder, the scholarship expiry date(s) will be reduced in parallel with the candidature expiry date. |
4.5 | Any application for credit must be approved by the Adelaide Graduate Research School to permit for the relevant adjustments to be made. |
5 | Enrolment |
5.1 | A person shall not be enrolled as a candidate for the degree of Master of Philosophy unless:
5.2 | Each candidate (including those on remote candidature) will be enrolled on a provisional basis until they have satisfactorily completed:
5.3 | Except with the permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies, a candidate may not enrol concurrently in another academic program. |
5.4 | Except with the permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies, a candidate who is permitted to enrol concurrently in another academic program and who is granted leave must intermit all academic programs in which they are enrolled. |
6 | Duration of candidature and mode of study |
6.1 | A candidate may proceed to the degree by full-time study or, if the Head of the School / Discipline concerned is satisfied that the candidate has adequate time to pursue supervised research under the control of the University, by half-time study. |
6.2 | Except in circumstances approved by the University, the work for the degree shall be completed and the thesis submitted:
7 | Work for the degree |
7.1 | A candidate shall pursue an approved program of study and research under the control of the University and under the general guidance of supervisors appointed by the University whilst at all times abiding by the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and associated policies of the University of Adelaide. |
7.2 | A minimum of 60 hours of transferable skills development shall be completed during candidature. |
7.3 | Subject to Faculty approval candidates may proceed to the Master of Philosophy by:
7.4 | Transfer from the 100% research Master of Philosophy to the mixed research and coursework Master of Philosophy, or vice versa, will not normally be permitted after the first 6 months of candidature or half-time equivalent. |
7.5 | Where a candidate is proceeding to the degree by 100% research, any courses taken by the candidate, up to the value of 15 units, will not be considered in the assessment for the degree. Such courses will not be formally enrolled in or assessed, or, will be completed on a non-award basis. |
7.6 | A candidate who is proceeding to the Master of Philosophy by mixed research and coursework may select courses to the value of 15 units from:
7.7 | Courses cannot be repeated or replaced in the case of failure except on a fee paying basis. |
7.8 | Where a candidate is proceeding to the degree by mixed research and coursework, they shall be required to pass both the coursework and thesis components independently, and, all coursework requirements must be completed to the satisfaction of the Faculty / School before the Master of Philosophy thesis is submitted to the Adelaide Graduate Research School for examination. |
7.9 | A Master of Philosophy thesis will be prepared in accordance with the University's Specifications for Thesis for the current year. |
7.10 | All work presented in the thesis (including any publications) must have been undertaken during the period of candidature. |
7.11 | Irrespective of the format of the thesis, its content, in part or in total, must not have been accepted for any other degree in the name of the candidate at the University of Adelaide or other academic institution. |
7.12 | There is no exit point to a coursework outcome e.g. Graduate Diploma or Certificate or transfer of coursework credit from the Master of Philosophy to a Coursework Program. Candidates who seek these options must enrol in a Coursework Program from commencement. |
7.13 | The candidate shall present the context and importance of the research at a School / Discipline seminar prior to thesis submission. |
7.14 | The candidate may elect to participate in an approved internship during candidature. Internships commenced must be completed to the satisfaction of the partner institution and the University, except in exceptional circumstances. |
8 | Academic Progress Milestones |
8.1 | Each candidate's academic progress will be formally reviewed at least once every twelve months. |
8.2 | Each candidate will complete a series of milestones, the core content and timing of which will be in accordance with the details and schedule specified in the Research Student Handbook; Schools may include additional discipline specific requirements. |
8.3 | Milestones will normally include:
8.4 | Candidates whose provisional candidature is extended following a major review of progress (for up to six months in total) will undergo an extended major review at the end of this period. |
8.5 | The major review of progress referred to in 8.3c above will recommend confirmation of candidature, or, a further period of conditional candidature not exceeding 6 months, or termination. |
8.6 | Candidates granted a further period of conditional enrolment will undergo an extended major review at the end of this time period. No further periods of conditional enrolment will be permitted. |
8.7 | Milestones may be varied from time to time by approval of the Research Education and Development Committee. |
8.8 | Re-enrolment and the continuation of scholarship payments (where applicable) are conditional upon:
9 | Program Transfer |
9.1 | Transfer to the Doctor of Philosophy may be approved after twelve months of candidature or part-time equivalent subject to the following conditions:
9.2 | Transfer to the Doctor of Philosophy may be approved after eighteen months of candidature or part-time equivalent subject to the following conditions:
9.3 | The Faculty and the University will normally only approve a candidate for transfer to the Doctor of Philosophy where:
9.4 | The approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies will be required for transfer to the Doctor of Philosophy under any other circumstances. |
10 | Remote candidature |
10.1 | Initial enrolment as a remote candidate may be permitted on academic grounds where the School / Discipline concerned can ensure the provision of external supervision, facilities and affiliation to the satisfaction of the University. |
10.2 | Unless otherwise exempted, a remote candidate will normally be required to complete a period(s) of residence in the University of Adelaide as determined by the University in consultation with the School / Discipline concerned. |
10.3 | Notwithstanding Academic Program Rule 10.2, a remote candidate will normally be required to undertake his / her candidature in an internal attendance mode until such time as the Core Component of the Structured Program has been completed. |
10.4 | In accordance with Academic Program Rule 6.1, a remote candidate may proceed to the degree either by full-time or half-time study. |
10.5 | On the recommendation of the School / Discipline, the University at any time may permit an enrolled candidate to study as a remote candidate subject to the conditions specified in Academic Program Rules 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 above. |
10.6 | A remote candidate may be permitted to convert to an internal mode of attendance at any time and shall be subject to the conditions normally applied. |
10.7 | Notwithstanding Academic Program Rules 10.1-10.6 above, remote candidates are also required to abide by the other Academic Program Rules and guidelines for the degree of Master of Philosophy. |
11 | Joint Candidature |
11.1 | Enrolment as a joint candidate may be permitted where a program of cooperation has been formally agreed between the University of Adelaide and another institution for jointly awarded degrees. |
11.2 | When it is proposed that the candidate spend the majority of candidature away from Adelaide, the University must approve conditions as in Academic Program Rule 11.1. |
11.3 | Upon successful completion of the work for the degree, the badges of both institutions may appear on the testamur awarded. |
11.4 | Candidates for a jointly awarded degree may be bound by special rules and conditions as detailed in the agreement between the University of Adelaide and the partner institution. |
12 | Absence from the University |
Except for remote candidates, the University may, on the recommendation of the School / Discipline concerned, permit a candidate to pursue away from the University work connected with the research for the degree. Such permission may only be granted under special circumstances during provisional candidature. | |
13 | Leave of absence |
13.1 | Subject to Academic Program Rule 13.2, a candidate whose work is interrupted for a period of time may be granted cumulative leave by the University of up to 12 months. If an application for leave is approved, the minimum and maximum periods specified in Academic Program Rule 6.2 will be adjusted accordingly by adding the length of the approved leave. |
13.2 | Except in exceptional circumstances, candidates may not take leave:
13.3 | In exceptional circumstances, the University may grant a candidate cumulative leave in excess of 12 months. Where a candidate is granted this exceptional leave, the University will endeavour to ensure, but cannot guarantee, that appropriate supervision and resources will be available to support the candidate on return from leave. |
13.4 | In some fields of study, time plays a critical role in the currency of the research. In such cases, the research project may no longer be current following leave and the University may not be able to secure supervision in an area where currency is compromised. Additionally, the University may not be able to accommodate an amendment to the research project. Under these circumstances, continuation of candidature may not be possible and the only options will be:
13.5 | The candidature of a student who takes leave from the University without approval will be suspended immediately, on notification of the Adelaide Graduate Research School. |
13.6 | A candidate granted leave must inform the Adelaide Graduate Research School in writing of resumption of candidature within 2 weeks of the approved date of return. |
13.7 | A candidate seeking to extend a period of leave must apply in writing for an extension of leave at least 1 week prior to the originally approved date of return. |
14 | Withdrawal from candidature |
14.1 | A student may withdraw from candidature at any time. |
14.2 | Candidature may be reinstated at a future date without academic consequences, subject to the continuing currency of the research undertaken prior to withdrawal and the currency of the research skills of the candidate. The approval of the Head of School and the ongoing availability of appropriate supervision and resources are also required. |
15 | Suspension of candidature |
15.1 | Candidature may be suspended for failure to comply with any formal requirement of candidature, including:
15.2 | Reinstatement of suspended candidature
16 | Termination of candidature |
16.1 | The University may review the progress of a candidate at any time during the program of candidature and, if the candidate's progress is unsatisfactory, may terminate the candidature. |
16.2 | The University may terminate the candidature following a 12 month period of suspension for any of the reasons outlined in Academic Program Rule 15 above. |
16.3 | Candidature may be terminated when the University at its sole discretion reserves the right to decline to appoint a supervisor where to do so would not be appropriate. Without limiting this discretion above the University may consider the following in making a determination: supervisory eligibility and capacity, the quality of the research project and compliance with the responsibilities of research candidates as detailed in the Research Student Handbook. |
16.4 | A terminated candidature may only be reinstated following a successful appeal. |
17 | Extension of candidature |
Irrespective of full-time or half-time status, a candidate may be granted by the University one extension of candidature only of 6 months beyond the maximum period specified in Academic Program Rule 6.2. If the thesis has not been submitted by the end of the extended period, the candidature will lapse. | |
18 | Completion of thesis outside the University |
A candidate who has completed the equivalent of 1 year of full-time work under the control of the University, who has completed the experimental work (where appropriate) and whose progress is sufficiently well advanced to permit the satisfactory completion of the thesis outside the University, may be granted permission by the University to complete the writing-up of the thesis outside the University. If such permission is granted the candidate will be allowed either 12 months or until the end of candidature, whichever is the lesser, to submit the thesis. If the thesis has not been submitted by the end of the writing-up period the candidature will lapse. | |
19 | Lapsed candidature |
19.1 | Candidature shall be deemed to have lapsed on the candidature expiry date where the candidate has not submitted for examination the thesis required under Academic Program Rule 7.3. |
19.2 | A candidature, which has lapsed for not more than 12 months, may be resumed if the completed thesis, which has not departed from the field of study that was being pursued before the candidature lapsed, is subsequently submitted to the Director of the Adelaide Graduate Research School. The thesis will only be accepted for examination if the School / Discipline certifies that it is satisfactory to that School / Discipline. |
19.3 | Approval of the University is required for the resumption of a lapsed candidature under any other conditions and will be contingent on the Academic Program Rules for the year of submission being applied for the examination of the thesis. |
20 | Intention to submit thesis |
A candidate shall notify the Director of the Adelaide Graduate Research School, in writing, approximately 3 months before they expect to submit a thesis for examination. A summary of the thesis, together with the proposed thesis title and abstract, shall be submitted at or prior to submission of the thesis. | |
21 | Submission and examination of the thesis |
21.1 | On completion of the approved program of study and research, including all coursework requirements, a candidate shall submit a thesis for examination in accordance with the University's Specifications for Thesis for the current year. |
21.2 | The University recognises that a thesis may be prepared in a variety of formats that are influenced by the Discipline or field of study. Approved thesis formats are detailed in the University's Specifications for Thesis. Candidates should consult their supervisor(s) before selecting an appropriate format. |
21.3 | The candidate's School must notify the Adelaide Graduate Research School at the time of thesis submission whether the thesis submitted comprises 100% or 67% of the assessable content of the degree. |
21.4 | The Head of School / Discipline shall certify that the thesis is worthy of examination. |
21.5 | Examiners of the Master of Philosophy thesis will assess whether the candidate has demonstrated:
21.6 | Where required by the University, an oral examination will be undertaken to determine the outcome of the examination. |
22 | Appointment of examiners |
22.1 | Candidates shall have the right, prior to the commencement of the examination process, to identify people they do not wish to examine their thesis. Any such objections should be submitted to the Director of the Adelaide Graduate Research School, at the same time as the notification of intention to submit required under Academic Program Rule 20. Such objections do not serve as a veto. |
22.2 | Taking account of any objections raised under Academic Program Rule 22.1 and the recommendations of the Head of the relevant School / Discipline, assessment of the thesis shall in every case be by no fewer than two examiners appointed by the University of whom:
22.3 | The candidate’s supervisors shall not be eligible to act as examiners. |
22.4 | The examiners shall be requested to report in English and in such form as the University will determine and to recommend one of each of the alternatives listed in Academic Program Rule 23.1. |
22.5 | After consideration of the reports of the examiners, the University may appoint a third external examiner and / or an external arbitrator. |
23 | Examination results |
23.1 | After consideration of the reports of the examiners, coursework results where applicable and such other information as it thinks fit, the University shall determine that:
23.2 | Where the University determines that the candidate be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy, the University shall also determine an overall grade. |
23.3 | In the case of a thesis presented for re-examination as provided for in Academic Program Rule 23.1(3), the thesis will, as far as possible, be assessed by the original examiners. |
23.4 | A thesis submitted for re-examination must be presented in the same format as the thesis presented for the original examination. |
23.5 | A thesis presented for re-examination will not be submitted for further re-examination. |
24 | Thesis amendments following examination |
24.1 | The time limits for revision of the thesis are:
24.2 | Candidates who require additional time to complete revisions must apply to the Dean of Graduate Studies for permission, stating the reasons for the request. The request should be approved by the principal supervisor and the Head of School / Discipline or the Postgraduate Coordinator. |
25 | Deposit of thesis |
Such number of copies of a thesis and any other material on which the degree is awarded shall be deposited in the University Library or elsewhere as determined by the University. Unless otherwise determined by the University, the thesis shall be available for public access. | |
26 | Availability of thesis |
A candidate who does not wish to allow the thesis to be publicly accessible when it is deposited in the Library under Academic Program Rule 25 shall make a written application to the Director of the Adelaide Graduate Research School, at the same time as the notification of intention to submit under Academic Program Rule 20. The withholding of such permission and the period of time involved shall be determined by the University. | |
27 | Graduation |
Subject to Chapter 89 of the Statutes, candidates who have satisfied the requirements for any award of the University shall be admitted to that award. | |
28 | Posthumous award |
If a person dies after completing, or in the opinion of the University, substantially completing the requirements of the award, the University may confer the award posthumously. | |
29 | Revoking the award |
If the University is satisfied that, when the Master of Philosophy was conferred on a person, and that person was subsequently found to have breached ethical requirements, e.g. they:
the Vice-Chancellor and President with authority devolved to him / her by Council may revoke the award. | |
30 | Return of documents |
If requested by the Dean of Graduate Studies, the recipient of a Master of Philosophy must deliver to the University the documents certifying or evidencing the award. | |
31 | General |
When, in the opinion of the University, special circumstances exist, the University, on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty in each case, may vary any of the provisions in Academic Program Rules 1–30 above. |